

5S – The Japanese Mantra to a Successful Organisation

5S – The Japanese Mantra to a Successful Organisation

At the core of any successful manufacturing unit are two important, but often overlooked aspects: elimination of waste and workplace effciency. If left unchecked, both of these can cause large
Kaizen- Small Changes, Big Impacts

Kaizen- Small Changes, Big Impacts

Change is a part of life, and more often than not, it requires adjusting various aspects in order to assimilate the changes that have taken place. Sometimes change is a
Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

Most of the companies today work on a unique basis. But all of them have a common goal – to have a common system in order to connect and have
Basics of Machine Learning

Basics of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is defined as the study of computer algorithms that automatically improve by using the data available as well as learning from its past experiences. Simply put, it is
A peek into Artificial Intelligence

A peek into Artificial Intelligence

Humans are prone to making errors, which gave rise to the proverb ‘To err is human.’ But often, these errors or mistakes can prove to be costly for other people
How WE nourish the agriculture sphere

How WE nourish the agriculture sphere

Agriculture, known also as husbandry or farming, is the science of cultivating plants, animals, and other life forms for food, fiber, and fuel. The agricultural industry, which includes enterprises engaged
Ways to make the machine shop more efficient.

Ways to make the machine shop more efficient.

On Daily Basis, there are tonnes of parts being made, with many moving parts. A machine shop can be compared with a synchronized process where everything needs to work together
There is no magic in achievement

There is no magic in achievement

Jyoti CNC brings home “The best stall” award at MacAuto Expo.,Ludhiana. Another feather in a cap.!
It’s a beginning to look a lot like a leader par excellence.
in News,

It’s a beginning to look a lot like a leader par excellence.

Mr.P.G.Jadeja, CMD, Jyoti CNC Automation Limited at CII Western Gujarat Annual Day Celebration delivering insights on “Leadership Connect : Leading transformation for tomorrow”