About Us
Our Logo
Our Logo

Three planes (Surfaces) /dimensions indicates three axes which is in line with our product terminology.
- The shape of each individual indicates the dynamism of moving parts as well as the combination of three itself indi cates the “synchronization of all velocities”. (All our resources)
- The logo with three shapes represents our theory of 3M. i.e Man, Machine & Material The synchronization of them by 4th M Method
The individual shape gives the sense of Comma sign (,) which indicates still the
- scope of Enhancement
- Betterment
- Innovation
Interestingly, The shape does fall nearer to our great mythological single word Mantra (“AUM”)
Each shape shows the letter “J “ of Jyoti.
- There is particular logic behind selecting the colour scheme, the recall value of orange is found to be greater
- Scientifically also the wavelengths of orange lights boosts our temperament by emitting positive energies !!

- Design your future. Start with a logo.