Training and Development holds special attention and place at Jyoti. The fact that we have a separate Unit dedicated to Training & Development, makes us special. The Training and Development unit can grumble about having no role models, or take pride in the fact that we can be trend-setters.
Even CNC Operators are equivalent to Service Engineers after undergoing few years of Training and Development activities that we provide. Each new employee is brought up speedily so that he can be productive as quickly as possible.
“Give man a fish; you feed him for a day, Teach him how to fish; you feed him for a lifetime.”

Starting from operating CNC machines and later on Programming them, Jyoti provides a training that covers all the aspects of CNC Machine Operation and Manufacturing. All new employees in different departments are trained in their respective fields. Few of the departments are mentioned here:
- Assembly
- Quality Control
- Machine Shop
- Service Team
- Designing and Development
- Application
- Electrical Department
- The illiterate of 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.